Worauf lassen wir uns hier ein??? Keine Ahnung, aber mein Mann Bob (ich nenne ihn nur noch Bob der Baumeister, da für ihn keine Wand sicher ist "grins") hat große Lust darauf, dieses Haus nach seinen Vorstellungen umzugestalten.
Diese Bilder sind am Tag der Besichtigung entstanden.
Wände sind immerhin gefließt (ob die Fliesen jedoch bleiben, wird sich zeigen)
In what we have got into? No idea, but my husband Bob ( I call him only Bob the Builder, of course no wall is secured against him :-) ) is in a great mood to restore and change this house according to his imagination.
These pictures are taken at the day of inspection.
Walls have tiles on (but not sure they stay there).
In what we have got into? No idea, but my husband Bob ( I call him only Bob the Builder, of course no wall is secured against him :-) ) is in a great mood to restore and change this house according to his imagination.
These pictures are taken at the day of inspection.
Walls have tiles on (but not sure they stay there).
immerhin existiert wenigstens ein Wasser- und Abwasseranschluß
Anyhow, there is water in the kitchen
Anyhow, there is water in the kitchen
und wir verfügen über modernste Wärmetechnik "grins"
and we have "up-to-date" heating system installed -lol
and we have "up-to-date" heating system installed -lol
and we will keep this rarity. This plate was found from the former owner and mounted in the house. The plate is as old as the house. It will stay where it is.
An der Decke und am Fußboden muss wohl was geändert werden.
looks like we have to change something on the floor and at the ceiling.
Was soll ich sagen, das Abenteuer "Knuserphäuschen" kann beginnen.
What can I say, the adventure "Sweet Cottage" can start.