Jetzt muss ich mal langsam machen: erstens muss ich meinen Rücken auskurieren und zweitens geht es nächste Woche für 3 Wochen ins Ausland(Nein, kein Urlaub;-(( geschäftlich). Also wudnert euch nicht, wenn hier nichts passiert in den nächsten 4-5 Wochen. LG Gunther
Now I have to slow down: first of all I have to be careful with my bad back and second I have to go on a trip for three weeks outside the country(no, no holidays, business).
So do not wonder if there is nothing new within the next 4-5 weeks. Take Care Gunther
Montag, 28. Juni 2010
Dienstag, 22. Juni 2010
Kleine Schritte-Small steps
Auch die kleinen Schritte wollen dokumentiert sein:
Pflanzen am Eingang
Also the small steps to keep for records:
Plants at the entrance
Also the small steps to keep for records:
Plants at the entrance

The old washtub is at his place now and the tiles around are finished

The handmade door is fixed and the details are also done

The door knob is from a hardware store in France, like a lot of small thing are from around the world, whereever we find something need or nice.

View from the kitchen

Weiterhin ist der alte Putz entfernt und die Elektrik neu gemacht. Zum Glück: wir fanden ein altes fast blank genagtes Kabel! Und das in einem Holzhaus.
Cladding at the front door: done.
Also the old render is removed and the electric is renewed: Fortunately: we found an old cable nearly gnawed to to cupper! And that in a wodden house.

Dienstag, 15. Juni 2010
Lieblingsprojekt - favourite project
Endlich: eines meiner Lieblingsprojekte habe ich gerstern schnell gemacht: eine aus Holz selbstgebaute zweiteilige Stalltür welche den Ausgang zum Hof zieren soll. Hat richtig viel Spass gemacht, auch wenn es alleine manchmal nicht einfach ist. Einbau geschieht nächste Woche, wenn der Balken zum Nachbarhaus ausgetauscht ist.
Finally: one of my favourite projects is done: a two-parts wooden barn door(hope this is the right word) which should decorate the exit from the kitchen to the courtyard. What a fun to make it, though it was not that easy if you make it without help. Installation follows next week, when the wooden truss to the neighbours house is renewed.
Also I have changed the last window last weekend: in the room which is today our storage, but becoming our new bathroom in the near future. For this I will built wooden window shutters. The fittings I have already ordered ;-)).
Samstag, 5. Juni 2010
~ etwas mehr vom Knusperhäuschen ~
Das ist die Straße oberhalb unseres Häuschens. Die ersten beiden Dächer gehören zum Knuspershäuschen.
This is the street above the house. The first two roofs are ours.

This is the street above the house. The first two roofs are ours.
Hier hat man einen Einblick in unseren "Garten" (alles aus Sichtweise von der Straße).
A view from the street into the garden.
A view from the street into the garden.
and the courtyard. The brown door is the neighbour.
Our house is placed in a hollow. You can walk around it. To come to the main entrance from the upper street you can use the stairs you can see on the picture.
~ rund ums Haus ~ around the house
Männe war mal wieder super fleißig und hat im Hofbereich einen Ablauf gefließt. Seine Ideen überraschen mich immer wieder. Ich weiß nicht, wo er diese Power her nimmt. Aber es gefällt mir richtig gut.
My husband is a hard working guy and had put on tiles in the courtyard where the drain is.
His ideas are surprising me always. I do nt know where he takes the power from. But I like it so much.
My husband is a hard working guy and had put on tiles in the courtyard where the drain is.
His ideas are surprising me always. I do nt know where he takes the power from. But I like it so much.
In the Netherlands we have bought mountings for the handrail to the roof floor. The stainless steel tube we had left over from our addition building we have built at our home. Today we have fixed that up and we are happy about the looklike. Only the end caps are missing.
Das untere Teil mußten wir unterfüttern, da die Wand eben gemäß 1700 Jahrhundert nicht unbedingt sehr gerade ist. Aber das ist es wohl, was den ganzen Flair ausmacht.
The lower mounting we had to support a bit, because the walls where not built that straight in the 1700. but perhaps thats it, what give all of this his charism.
Because we have fit in a new front door we had to buy a new letter box (the old one was in the old front door) Lucky we have ebay. there we found that great exemplar and got it for a real good price.
Wie ihr sehen könnt, geht es immer wieder Stück für Stück voran.
As you can see, we are moving ahead.
As you can see, we are moving ahead.
Dienstag, 1. Juni 2010
~ eine andere Sichtweise ... ~ a different point of view...
Heute ist endlich unsere Haustür gekommen. Am Wochenende mußten wir hierfür jede Menge Vorarbeit leisten. Aber ich finde, es hat sich auf alle Fälle gelohnt.
Here it is our new front door. We had to do a lot of work on the weekend to prepare the change of the front door. But I think it was worth it.
Here it is our new front door. We had to do a lot of work on the weekend to prepare the change of the front door. But I think it was worth it.
Another Blogger wanted to see and know more about the cottage. It is a end-terrace house from 1767. The garden is behind the house on the level of the first floor. More pics later.
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