Männe war mal wieder super fleißig und hat im Hofbereich einen Ablauf gefließt. Seine Ideen überraschen mich immer wieder. Ich weiß nicht, wo er diese Power her nimmt. Aber es gefällt mir richtig gut.
My husband is a hard working guy and had put on tiles in the courtyard where the drain is.
His ideas are surprising me always. I do nt know where he takes the power from. But I like it so much.
My husband is a hard working guy and had put on tiles in the courtyard where the drain is.
His ideas are surprising me always. I do nt know where he takes the power from. But I like it so much.
In the Netherlands we have bought mountings for the handrail to the roof floor. The stainless steel tube we had left over from our addition building we have built at our home. Today we have fixed that up and we are happy about the looklike. Only the end caps are missing.
Das untere Teil mußten wir unterfüttern, da die Wand eben gemäß 1700 Jahrhundert nicht unbedingt sehr gerade ist. Aber das ist es wohl, was den ganzen Flair ausmacht.
The lower mounting we had to support a bit, because the walls where not built that straight in the 1700. but perhaps thats it, what give all of this his charism.
Because we have fit in a new front door we had to buy a new letter box (the old one was in the old front door) Lucky we have ebay. there we found that great exemplar and got it for a real good price.
Wie ihr sehen könnt, geht es immer wieder Stück für Stück voran.
As you can see, we are moving ahead.
As you can see, we are moving ahead.
Also wenn ich mir nun so das letzte Foto anschaue ..ich würde NIE auf die Idee kommen das dieses Häuschen aus dem 1700 Jahrhundert ist!
AntwortenLöschensei lieb gegrüsst
von der
Martina Paderkroete
So fügt sich alt und neu und sieht einfach nur schön aus :) Eine schöne Woche wünscht euch bine